Go Deep

"And when He had ceased speaking, He said unto Simon, ‘Put out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch’.”
LUKE 5:4
Prepare to Cast your Nets Deeper ​
Diving deeper into your faith is where you will find the gifts that God wants to give you.
Formation is how we dive deep.
What is formation?
A deepening of your initial conversion. It includes: learning about the faith, developing your prayer life, participating in the sacraments, and developing your personal relationship with God. It is a life long process.
Become Disciples
Every Catholic is called to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We can look to the earliest followers (or disciples) of Jesus to see how they followed Him.
"They held steadfastly to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to the prayers."
(Acts 2:42)
The four things:
1. Study
2. Fellowship
3. Breaking of the bread (Eucharist)
4. Prayer
Join Us On The Journey
St. John's offers Bible Studies and Short Studies that are approachable for beginners and experienced learners.
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“He loves us beyond comprehension,
and we cannot diminish his love for us.”
San Pedro