Altar Servers

Altar Serving
St. John the Apostle
What is is it?
Altar servers are a very special group of young people in our parish who have answered God’s call to ministry. As a St. John's Altar Server, you are one of the liturgical ministers of our parish and have special tasks to perform during the liturgies, especially during the celebration of the Eucharist at mass. Serving at mass will involve learning some new words and terms. You will also be asked to perform some very specific duties. It is important to realize that you are serving God in helping with prayers and with the Eucharist.
You must have already received your First Holy Communion. Servers can be male or female. You should know how to genuflect properly and how to make the sign of the cross. You must attend Holy Mass regularly, be a member of St. John the Apostle Catholic Parish or a student at St. John the Apostle Catholic School, and have a strong desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. YOU must have this desire and not be serving because anyone is pressuring you.
We offer regular training to help our servers prepare to serve at Holy Mass.
Contact Craig Heffernan