Food Ministries
Food Ministries
Coffee Social
After 8:30am & 10:30am Holy Sunday Masses Parishioners meet in Parish Center for coffee, donuts & fellowship.
Contact: Lisandra Mathews | Tel: 503-742-8210
Flocknote: saintjohntheapostle.flocknote/CoffeeSocial

Funeral Reception
Serve in a ministry that is a true work of mercy by creating a reception that comforts grieving families.
Contact: Michelle Schafer

Feed Our Pastor
Feed Our Pastor ministry prays for our Pastor but also provides Fr. Maxy with nourishing meals that strengthens him in his Priesthood and reflects the joy and love of Christ in His Church.

Welcome Cafe
Welcome Cafe serves our homeless population with a hot meal and supplies every third Sunday in the Parish Center

St. Vincent De Paul
The SVDP food pantry serves our community in need by distributing donated food every Thursday afternoon.
Contact: Joane Linker